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Using Neat Scanner Without Software


Using Neat Scanner Without Software

I investigated Paperless and found it feature rich but not friendly as a receipt manager. There are too many steps required to scan a document, document management is not overly intuitive, although it has some power features once you discover them, and there are limited options to the document hierarchy. Part of the problem is that Paperless relies on the scanner’s Twain software, whereas Neat had all of that integrated. I would like opinions on the Fujitsu scanners and software. Perhaps my best option is to buy a Fujitsu scanner certified for Neat and then move to their software.

I would always recommend them, now I am looking for an alternative myself. Good luck you greedy white collar dim wits that think this a good idea! Your customers will leave and all of them when given a viable alternative will never, ever, ever, return. This ladies and gentlemen is how a once very successful company self destructs! I think it really sucks that they will no longer be supporting the scanner I did not use it for receipts very often found a month-and-a-half ago I had to skin a 2468 page document. I love tell fast that got through the nearly five reams of paper with that scanner. It seemed as if it was getting one page per second it was just lightning fast.

Using Neat Scanner Without Cloud

Acrobat will interface with the scanner's software, if the scanner's software is compatible. All Acrobat does is provide hooks for you to use a twain driver on the Mac platform. The twain driver must be universal or intel native. To start using the scanner: If you are 10.10 or earlier, you can open Neat and connect your scanner and you should now be able to start scanning. If you are on 10.11 El Capitan, follow the steps below: Right click (or CTRL + click) the Scanner Driver file that you dragged into the Devices folder and choose Open. The next day I started scanning documents of various types using Neat Desk. The software was painfully slow at processing documents. Unlike my old PaperMaster Software, I had to manually pick and choose where to file each scanned document.without help or recommendations from the program. Is it possible to bypass the Neat scanner software, and use generic software? The reason is: I bought the Neat scanner, can't take it back, and cannot stand the OCR software. I just want to use my neat desktop as a scanner without the neat software. How do I do this?

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